Zooming a document

Zoom operations allow you to see what exactly you are working on - from a zoomed-out view of the whole document to a zoomed-in view of its small area.

The following commands are available for this purpose:

  • Zoom In : to zoom a document in.
  • Zoom Out : to zoom a document out.
  • Zoom Window : to fit a document to the width and height of the pasteboard area.
  • Zoom to Window Width : to fit a document to the width of the pasteboard area.
  • Zoom 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 percent: to zoom a document to a needed degree.

The commands are available in the View menu and partially on the zoom bar.

The zoom bar

Another way to zoom a document is to use the zoom bar slider. Move the slider to the left to zoom the document out or to the right to zoom it in.

Alternatively, to zoom a document you can use the scroll wheel holding down the Shift key.

 Tip: The mouse scroll wheel may be used to move the document too.

To move a document vertically, use the scroll wheel or click buttons in the right scrollbar.

To move a document horizontally, use the scroll wheel holding down the Ctrl key or click buttons in the bottom scrollbar.

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