Using the documents

Creating a new document

To create a new document, click New item from the File menu. Poster settings will be acquired from the default or previously saved document.

Opening a previous document

To open a previously created document, click Open item from the File menu. A standard Windows Open a file dialog box will appear. Specify the path to the document file and click the Open button.

 Tip: An alternative way to open a document is to Drag-n-Drop it into the application.

Saving a document

To save the document, select the Save item in the File menu. If the document has not been saved yet, the Save as... command will be executed automatically.

Saving a document as

To save the document under a different filename, select the Save as item in the File menu. A standard Windows Save a file dialog box will open. Select a folder, specify a file name and then click the Save button.

Closing a document

To close a currently open document, choose the Close item in the File menu. If changes to the document have not been saved, a dialog box with a prompt to save changes will appear.

To close a document and the application, click the Exit item in the File menu or choose the Close button at the top right corner of the application window.